Meet The Team

Meet the Team

Austin Hughes

Facilities & Asset Management

Like father, like son, Austin loves working with his hands, and during lock down, used his skills to turn an old shed into a man cave using recycled materials, mainly pallets (…wow, that’s pretty impressive… and it includes a fully stocked bar!)

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He used to be a mad footballer at school but since entering the ‘real’ world, rarely finds the time these days.


Practical work, particularly working with and making things out of wood, good quality tools, all forms of construction, digger driving (random!), all types and flavours of donuts (he does not discriminate) and table tennis, to name a few. 


Bad quality tools, seeing good quality wood being wasted because he will find a use for it! Oh, and Monday mornings (they’re the worst).

Dreams of:

Beating Chris McQuillan 3 straight sets at table tennis (...sadly, I don’t think there’s any chance of this happening any time soon).

Barry Saunders

Warehouse & Distribution

Barry spends his days whizzing about in the van doing the weekly deliveries around the North. Catch him if you can.

Bethany Palmer

Customer Care Team Leader

Out of the frying pan and into the fire, this sweet girl can cope under pressure and she can hold her own. With an eye for detail, and a penchant for Smarties McFlurrys, our Beth, is sure to keep you right. 

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Bethany's pet-peeve is when other drivers are on the road at the same time as her, so please, would you do her a courtesy and get off the road! In other news, she is loving her new role as an 'aunticorn' (official definition: like a normal aunt, only more awesome). She's slightly skittish, but the office wouldn't be the same without her loud gasps and gazelle-like tendencies.


Chai tea, Starbucks, sleep and spending summers in the South of France.


Making decisions, early mornings and spiders

Camillus Fitzpatrick

Financial Controller

Camillus is the newest member of the team. We haven’t quite sussed him out yet but we do know he likes golf and trips to Newcastle (Co. Down) at every opportunity.

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Fountain of knowledge (or full of useless information …it’s debatable, although it does come in handy for a quiz night). Extra in an Oscar-winning movie (so he tells us), and a dad of 6! Family time is important, even if it does involve some international travel these days (…sounds like a tough life!).


Puzzles, and having a holiday in the works. 


Sand or dogs without a lead.

Dreams of:

The glory days when Aston Villa and Louth were at their best. 

Chris McQuillan


Chris is a Grade 1 Table Tennis Coach and Captain of Ballymena A Table Tennis Club. He loves musical theatre and 80's music. And ...he's a major Ballymena Utd superfan!

Conor McDermott

Engineering & Maintenance

Conor loves nothing more than being stuck behind a 16KG washing machine in Cork on a Friday afternoon. He also has the unique inability to see parts that are right bang in front of his face (do we need to give him directions to Specsavers?)

Curtis Clelland

Warehouse Team Lead

Curtis works in our warehouse alongside Dale. They are very alike but both constantly complain about how annoying the other one is ...pot. kettle. boys!

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In his spare time, Curtis likes to build computers (wow ...actual skills!). 'Keep calm and get yourself to Starbucks' is his cure for all.


Nothing more than enjoying a few pints at his local.


Early mornings and the sharp objects Heather keeps in her desk.

Dreams of:

Owning a pickup so that he can go for a rally around the dirt tracks.

Dale Downey

Warehouse & Distribution

Eamonn Quinn

Project Management - James Clement Interiors

A recreational runner (1hr 57mins he’ll have you know in his recent first half marathon), Eamonn is cool, calm and collected. 

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Definitely not one to get flustered, he is sure to have everything under control, at all times. 


Toast and marmalade for breakfast, and pancakes for lunch …why break from tradition when it’s clearly working for him (1hr 57) …although he is partial to his mum’s dinner.


Running and climbing ladders (the career sort that is …we’ve never let him live down his part in his previous employer’s recruitment video).


When his team loses (Rarely happens!!).

Dreams of:

Retiring to tend to his garden at home (jokes - he hates gardening, that’s why he doesn’t have any grass).

Eddie Greer

Warehouse & Distribution

If Eddie’s not in a van, he’s busy picking orders on the warehouse floor. Likes to use his outdoor voice indoors.

Gary McCartney

Engineering & Maintenance

Gary likes nothing more than traveling from one end of the country to the other and everywhere in between.

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You'll often find him in the slow lane in his van, but he seems to make it to his jobs on time. 


Avid sports fan with a large collection of wooden spoons for his favourite football team.  Often heard chatting about sports when it should be about work.

Heather Edgar

Marketing Manager

As our resident ‘Just for Fun’ team-games guru, meetings are never dull when Heather’s around. 

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It’s Heather’s job to make things look pretty and resource the Sales Team, and when she’s not at her computer on InDesign, she’s in yet another meeting. PowerPoint queen, birthday cake-maker and self-confessed perfectionist. She takes no nonsense and when she raises that eyebrow, we all know Heather means business!


The banter, the beach, a bit of healthy competition and any excuse for a dinner party.


'Snowflakes', rodents, people cracking their knuckles (Bethany!!!), and early mornings (but the good coffee helps!)

Johnny Woods

Operations Manager

Our jiving Johnny from Armagh takes charge of all goods-in and -out of the Warehouse. When he’s not doing this, he’s doing his best to keep the warehouse boys from getting up to too much mischief!

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A man of few words, Johnny likes to get things done with as little drama as possible. In fact, there are only two times in the year when Johnny’s popularity wanes, and that’s when it’s all hands on deck for stock-take day and Johnny likes to get everyone into work extra early (like before the sun comes up! …the poor night owls are traumatised).

Katie Preston

Service Manager

Back from maternity leave (...honestly, some people will do anything to get a bit of time off work), Katie is adjusting to office life once again and her new role that involves looking after two engineers and supporting the sales team (wow, those mummying skills will come in some use).

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Not one to use her inside voice (like ever), Katie is life and soul of the party, which might also explain her struggle with the early morning routine. Her proven strategy in the war to stay awake is sugar …and more sugar (if you ever need a fix, Katie always has her top drawer well stocked with sweets but shh we’re not supposed to know that).

Katie is a big footy fan and a self-proclaimed ‘foodie’ (Katie - you’ve found your tribe).


Being a new mum, cocktails and conspiracy theories


Snow and defrosting the car in the morning

Dreams of:

Her next weekend getaway.

Kendon Watson

Business Development Manager

Fresh-faced Kendon (aka mini-Kev) is probably the most popular member of the team because he plies us with the most delicious homemade desserts most Thursdays (Fridays don’t work for Katie)

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…although there are other ingredients than cinnamon, Kendon!


Talented man at the BBQ and a mixologist in the making, he’s serious about honing his craft.   


Cinnamon and is partial to a curry chip.


Desserts that don’t contain cinnamon and fifteens (which Lloyd is appalled at).

Dreams of:

Winning the great British bake-off.

Kevin Glass

Business Development Director

Kevin started with us 13 years ago! He doesn't look old enough, does he? He works tirelessly to give the impression that he works tirelessly, yet amazingly delivers deals and diligence for his customers regularly.

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He's also got some mad skills behind the BBQ! ...apparently, it's all in the prep. ...I'll have mine medium-rare please, Kevin!


Good customer references, breaking targets and gaining new customers.


An untidy office and when Jay beats him at the Table Tennis.

Dreams of:

Happy staff, happy customers, happy Tim.

Lloyd Palmer

Executive Assistant to Kevin Glass

Lloyd no longer drinks tea at work - maximising efficiencies and all that, tea takes too long to make apparently. Now, the day starts with a cup of strong black coffee (strength - 4 beans, nothing less is acceptable).

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Proud Daddy (and maybe slightly over-protective of his little princess), he is now pretty sleep deprived but is managing to keep all Kevin's ducks in a row (...and he's not bad with a hoover either!).


Being part of a fully-functioning successful team. Used to like lazy weekends and drinking many variations of Bourbon whiskey he's a hands-on dad and well, life is somewhat different.


When things occasionally don't go to plan, rain, salads and the 'woke' generation ...oh and when Oriana cries (he dies a little inside)!

Dreams of:

Keeping the fitness levels up (sitting at a desk all day is bad for this) and owning a Caribbean island.

Michael Merritt

Engineering & Maintenance

Electric music-loving Michael is our most talented technician in the kitchen ...his chicken bake and lasagne are edible (...just kidding they are divine ...please, please keep feeding us!). 

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He is also a dab hand at identifying and fixing issues for our customers and has a particular fondness for the scented mattresses that kindly appear in his workshop. An avid storyteller, Michael is currently working on his first book (...we await with bated breath and anticipation!...). 

As well as being a committed charity fundraiser, Michael also finds time to bowl for Ireland (but is actually a proud Scotsman).

He's young enough to keep up with everyone on the team and old enough to complain about "youngsters".

Molly Speers

Clinical Nurse Specialist

Molly is our incontinence nurse (after all, why stop for toilet breaks when we can wear diapers instead?!).

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Our very own Miss Chatterbox, Molly longs for a wet weekend when extra-curricular activities are abandoned and she can put her feet up in front of the fire with a glass (really a bottle) of prosecco and dream of the day her son becomes a professional golfer so she can retire early and cruise around the world in style.


 Strictly Come Dancing and chocolate.


Juggling all her children’s social and sporting activities.

Dreams of:

Juggling all her children's social and sporting activities.

Sheldon Davenport

National Business Manager

The humblest man we’ve ever known, Sheldon is our resident easy-going south African, whose dulcet tones match his even temperament …made even more impressive given the abuse he gets from Bethany & Katie on a daily basis (although, he does seem to come back for more). 

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Often overwhelmed however, by the noise of Beth & Katie in the office, he likes to escape whenever possible (and for that, we really can’t blame him!).


Ever the practical-joker, Sheldon likes to get up to mischief in the office when no one is looking, but in all seriousness, he is passionate about the Healthcare industry and will go over and above to take care of his customers.


Buying biscuits for the biscuit tin.


Beth & Katie. The cold and the rain (we can’t think why he chose to make NI his home).

Dreams of:

Beth & Katie being out of the office on annual leave, and seeing the Sun appear again (in his lifetime!).

Simon Cavan

Project Team Leader

Also known as “One-bun Simon” after that time he brought in one bun for himself. Should have known we were a ‘sharing is caring’ kind of workplace after being here 3 months (so no sympathy okay, he brought it on himself when he made that grave error). 

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We do have to give him credit though for sticking it out this thus far. He’s also been on the receiving end of Beth & Katie’s antics, and is often sent across the country to clean up Beth’s mistakes.

You might find him putting up dispensers in his ‘free’ time.


Playing (granda) bowls, and having a wee winge now and again.


Being on the losing side. 

Dreams of:

A quiet life.

Stephen Patterson

Warehouse & Distribution

A long-standing member of the team, nothing gets past Stephen, with his eye for detail and his knowledge of customer ordering habits.

Terri Shields

Credit Controller

Terri is super-organised and suffers no fools (beware, this feisty credit controller [or the girl in accounts as she’s affectionately known by the Agri team] doesn't come with a remote) but, she'll be the first to greet you with a great big smile.

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Poor Terri struggles with the early mornings but with a cup of tea in hand and a hot water bottle to keep her warm, she’s ready to face the day.

A minimalist at heart, Terri's desk is always immaculate (puts the rest of us to shame) and so are her nails …shabby nails are a no-no …and if she hasn't got new nail art to show us every fortnight, something is definitely wrong!


WKD daiquiris, her dog Sophie, and being toasty warm. Also thinks you can’t beat a big bag of salted popcorn (yummy) or garlic stuffed olives to nibble on (wait ...does Tim know this?!).


Spiders, slow drivers and her fiancé's drooling dog!! Also doesn’t like when Lloyd squeaks the pink horn!

Tim Hughes

Managing Director

Based in Antrim and having been with the company since he founded it over 30 years ago, Tim craves for as little hassle as possible with everyone else doing the work.

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He is most happy surrounded by happy customers, really really good coffee and weekends.

He works hard to ensure no-one forgets to put the coffee in the cupboard and that any staff who have garlic at lunchtime are made to sit in the warehouse.

Tom Aughey

Accounts Office Manager

Tom is our in-house Acrobat – he mainly juggles his day and balances the books. 

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Tom enjoys regular exercise at his local leisure centre and is a founder member of his local Men's Shed in Crumlin Co. Antrim. 

Members of a men’s shed are known as 'Shedders'. 

For anyone who doesn't know ...a Men's Shed is any community-based, non-commercial organisation which is open to all men where the primary activity is the provision of a safe, friendly and inclusive environment where the men are able to gather and/or work on meaningful projects at their own pace, in their own time and in the company of other men and where the primary objective is to advance the health and well- being of the participating men.


Fine food and a good red wine, in that order.


Diets, empty red wine bottles, being awake.

Dreams of:

A long, happy healthy retirement pottering about with his shedders, although he'll have to wait a few years!